HGOC Innovation
HGOC works with our sister organization SONA Global to improve orthopaedic trauma care through low-cost, durable, and effective device innovation. Through our research and academic partnerships, we have recognized the huge burden of open fractures in resource-limited settings. In response to this need, SONA Global has launched two medical devices to date, a novel fracture external fixator clamp, AEFIX, and a low-cost wound vacuum pump, VATARA. These affordable medical devices bring the costs of open fracture stabilization to less than 1% of the current industry standard.
HGOC faculty and staff are engaged in translational and clinical research projects to develop and test these medical innovations. We also partner with SONA Global to provide free, multilingual virtual education using a novel “flipped classroom” format, along with in-person teaching and surgical training.

For more information, please email us at info@sonaglobal.org.